Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Racism, Ex-Boyfriends, New Beginnings, and my 'Beverly Hills'

Greetings everyone!! I apologize for the scatter-brained, and rambling format of this entry! I hope you enjoy it.
I just finished an outline of a paper I will write in the next month, about a hero, Ruby Bridges. 
In the midst of my procrastination I stumbled upon two things equally striking. One, that there was a boy/man (19) in the news who was sentenced to two life sentences in jail for murdering a black man as a hate crime. Also, that he strikingly resembled a previous boyfriend I had a few years ago. Naturally this struck me, so I read the passage. It stunned and shocked me, considering I am researching a woman who was part of the effort to end these horrendous acts of hate. I pity not only the black man's family, but also the boy who is going to prison. Yes, he is guilty, but I don't believe that anyone can sincerely say they don't feel at least a bit sympathetic to a boy of 19 who will spend part of his life in prison. 

The second thing I found striking, which honestly is sort of an overstatement because it's not as monumental as an adolescent sentenced to a life sentence in prison, is that I checked an ancient email account and found several letters from the old boyfriend I mentioned earlier. They were all about some sort of "success story" or his heartbreaking story of declaring bankruptcy and each required me to open a link. I suspect his account has been hacked, yet I messaged him back nonetheless. I said something to the affect of "unless you've started a small business and decided to live on your own, I don't think you have declared bankruptcy...correct me if I'm wrong..." Hopefully this was  just spam, and his email has since been shut down.

Moving on to other subjects, I like a boy. He is about an inch and one half shorter than me, but otherwise, he's just my kind of guy. Here on out, I will refer to him as the pocket watch. I'm not sure why yet exactly, but somehow he reminds me of time, in a sweet and fantastic way. At any rate, he is a gentleman and, more importantly, a strong man of God. Even if he wasn't my significant counterpart, I am still proud to call him my friend. We've liked each other since the new year, but his crush has apparently been around for about 3 years. We will most likely (assuming everything goes well) be 'official' sometime after spring break, when my parents come back from their trip to L.A. Carrying right along, since the general public often goes into a boredom-induced coma once a relationship other than their own is mentioned, I guess I'll talk about the last few months since I've neglected to post anything. 

My dad returned safely home from Afghanistan, my first sister is enjoying college, my second sister just got her own house and is moving in soon, I scraped by my first semester of the infamous junior year with a 3.4, my mom is still just as amazing as she's ever been, and my little brother is the president of his class, as well as the only guy in his class that has the first real understanding of how to treat a lady...but maybe I'm biased. ;)

Life as I know it is beautiful, and satisfying. I'm not sure I could ask for much more in this life. I have recently been reflecting on my own lack of gratitude and habitual pace of taking things for granted, but I think that is an entry for another time. Until then, love others, drink good tea, and get up early because it makes the day last so much longer. 
Sincerely, and always,
Your happily forgotten writer,
Helena Elise