Monday, December 24, 2012

For Those in Connecticut

To the Mommies and Daddies:
I'm sorry your little angels were lost amongst the other Christmas ornaments that make your life beautiful.
I'm sorry that the presents, still tucked away in your closets, are sharp reminders of what is gone.
I'm sorry that Christmas morning will be quiet.
I'm sorry that there is an extra stocking hanging on your mantle, that won't be filled.
I'm sorry that the dinner reservation was for one more.
I'm sorry that one who gave you life, lost life.

To the Husbands and Wives:
I'm sorry that there is a cold spot on the bed where there wasn't one before.
I'm sorry that there is an extra pillow.
I'm sorry that the Christmas Eve service will be short one voice singing 'Good tidings of great joy...'
I'm sorry that one who gave you life, lost life. 

To the friends and family:
I'm sorry there is extra time in your schedual.
I'm sorry that there are extra Christmas desserts laying around that never got given away. 
I'm sorry that there is an extra name in your address book.
I'm sorry that one who gave you life, lost life.

To the grief-stricken and mourning:
You are not forgotten.
You are not alone.
You are remembered with great admiration, knowing that there are some, this season, that are far stronger that us.
You are in our hearts and prayers.
You are the burden that we accept with open arms.
You are those who remind us how precious life is.
You are the ones we cry for on Christmas Eve.
You are the ones we light a candle for.

--By (Me) Helena Elise

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