Sunday, December 16, 2012

Jingle Bells I Guess

I have so very many things to write about today! 
So, starting from the least recent news, the pocketwatch is officially enlisted in the marines. :) Everyone keeps asking me the same questions about it, so in the interest of expediency, I will answer them for you. 1) Yes, I am scared that he is going to be a marine, BUT he is going to work in intel probably, so no fighting for him. 2) Our plans as far as being away from each other for a few months on account of boot camp are as follows: we will stay together unless we feel lead to do otherwise. 3) Yes, I do want him to go into the marines because it will be a good start to being an adult, and the rewards of being in the military are very great. Moving on.
I've found myself very conflicted about some certain moral issues lately. Things that aren't explicitly stated in the good word are the things I am having trouble figuring out. I'm not sure why I mentioned that, since I've just decided that I don't particularly want to write about political issues on my blog. On that note, I am going to talk about something different now. 
So there is this boy at school, and he is a nice guy, just awkward. Well, for awhile now, he has been hitting on me, if you will, and so finally I called it enough. I told him politely that I wasn't sure if his intentions were to hit on me or not, but that I have a boyfriend with whom I am very happy with, and that I would appreciate it if he would back off. I was also sure to mention that I am glad we are friends and he is a nice guy. Well, now he is avoiding me like the plague. I'm glad he has backed off, but I think I may have hurt his feelings, and I know that if I try to 'fix' things and apologize, he will probably go back to doing the same things he was before. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. I feel stuck. Anyways, since I am in a sort of grid-lock, I will talk about something else.
My oldest sister has a boyfriend. :) I am so so so very excited for her, because he loves the good lord, and he loves kids. My nephew seems to like him a lot, which is good since that is almost the deciding factor. Also, he already told her that he was looking at rings! And, he sings. Look him up! (Kyle Talbert) Ok, well I don't really know what else to say except that. I am so excited. :)
Today my nephew and my oldest sister are over at our house. We are all waiting for my other older sister to come home from college. My nephew told me some really hilarious things today. First, he explained to me that him and his girlfriend broke up. Oh, I should mention, he is 5 and in kindergarten. He said they broke up because they were always fighting. I asked him what they were fighting about, and he went on to explain that they couldn't agree on which game was the best-stars or puppies. So they broke up. My sister said he came home and cried that day. Oh how I wish I could tell him that was the worst break-up he will ever go through.  Poor little soul. Next, I was helping him put on his shoes so he could go on a walk, and I told him he needed to learn how to put on his shoes by himself. He told me he couldn't, since he is not in shoe class. Bless his heart. :) Today he also told me that our tree is more beautiful than his tree because his ornaments are just regular. My sister was offended. That is the bulk of the adorable things he said today. 
I believe I have come to the end of all the new things I had to tell you. Oh! Wait. One more thing, my acting partner and I are doing very well in speech and debate and he is the best duo partner ever. And the bestest best friend. He is also very smart about mixing coffee and creamer. Yup. That's it. 

Love and gingerbread frosting,
p.s. that last one was for you holdie

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