Friday, February 18, 2011

Chicken Alfredo with Mozerella Cheese.

So, since my dad will be deployed soon, he was at training for a few weeks, and he returned with about 7 MRE's (Meal ready to eat) for us to eat/goof around with (you can make a soda bottle blow up with the heater!!!). Today I decided to eat one to see just what our soldiers on the go are eating.

The chicken alfredo thing was actually really good!! I mean...really good I had "Cornbread Stuffing"...sort of. I took one bite, and spit it out. It was seriously like eating cat puke. Next I ate "Whole Wheat Bread Snack" with the spread on cheese...I guess it would be good if you were really hungry, but spread on cheese is nasty no matter where you get it. Gross. But the bread was alright I guess.Then I ate a few bites of the "Caramel Apple Ranger Bar", which was actually better than eating a Cliff bar or something. It was yummy. Then, I had a "Vanilla Frapuccino Coffee Drink", which I'm sure was probably passable, but I added too much water, so it was yucky. Next, in the separate little package that comes inside, you get:
-a packet of reses pieces
-a moist towelette
-spiced apple cider (an instant apple flavor drink mix)
-a miniature packet of tissues
-barbecue seasoning (???????)
-iodized salt
-two pieces of mint gum (chicklet sized)

Overall, I guess if you are in a situation where you need a MRE, it is reasonably good. Plus, I would have eaten everything if I was in a soldier's position.

You know...I don't think anyone reads my blog anymore....I will advertize via facebook!!!

You are loved and treasured.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011



Friday, February 11, 2011

I less than three you.

Dear Readers,
I am soooooo so terribly sorry I have not posted at all this week, but SO much has been going on. Well, not really. I just was lazy. :) But I have a lot to write about!

So, my daddy came home on Saturday, and we celebrated by going to one of those Hibachi grills. I love those places. :))) Then, so my sister-but-not-really, Sara, and her boy Travis, might be moving in with us! I'm so excited! It'll be a little cramped, but not too bad. Also, I went to a basketball game at CSBD (The Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind) and I have two new deaf friends!!! Oh, and PLEASE, if you were going to ask if there were any blind people on the team, smack yourself because there is an obvious answer waiting at the door for you. (NOOOOO!!!!) However, there are blind wrestlers, who I've heard are very good. The school is in the 1A division, so they are verrrrry small. Their graduating class is like 22...or something like that. :) My two new friends and Alison, and Chelsea, and they are really great basketball players. One of the most interesting aspects of the game was the deaf cheerleaders, because in the hearing world, cheer leading is all about being AS LOUD AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE!!!!! but for them, they were cheering in sign language, and clapping. :) It was cool. I think I'll write more later because I realllllly wanna paint my nails. What color? Hmmmmmm, I'm thinking purple. Happy Friday sailors.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Piano Man Lyrics

Piano Man Lyrics

I'm sorry if any of you are offended by drinking references, but this one is a classic. Special thanks to my dad for showing me good music my whole life.

Chuck Norris Burger

So I'm probably just one of the weirdest people you know. :) But I'm okay with that. 

Have you ever had that moment when sitting next to the person you like and thinking,
"Crap, what do I say?!? Oh my goodness, he is just so good looking....ahhh, what a sweetheart...DANGIT!!! WHAT IF HE CAN READ MY THOUGHTS!!!?! Well, in that case, Hey there!!!! ^_^" 
Muuurp, I'm guessing I'm probably one of the only people that has done that. Has anyone ever watched in-line roller hockey? Well, it's really pretty boring. Unless, of course you go with the TCA seniors of 2011. Then, it's one of the most exciting things you've done all week!! Then it gets really funny when people start yelling things that sound like they could be cheers or taunts, but when you really think about them, you have that moment of "whaaaaat the cheese nips.....??????" 

Even more exciting is the after party at Village Inn. The one where you make fun of the waiter who looks like he is on the predators list for your neighborhood with his curly mustache and long hair slicked back over his balding head, oh and don't forget the mole on his face, and the fact that he's just a bit over-weight. Then you order your food from a 17 year old girl who looks like she just got out of drug-rehab, and you begin your childish spit-ball wars. The food, after a 45 minute game of solid yelling, is absolutely delicious. You stuff your face with the greasy goodness of a double, superman, all star, quadruple-pounder, Chuck Norris, cheeseburger until your double chin has a chin. Then, you contemplate all the meaningless things in life, and discuss the idea of everyone dating someone within the senior class. One of the paper wrappers from a straw gets stuck on the lamp...PHOTO OPP!!!!!!!!! By this time, you have slipped about half way into the expected food coma, and your friend's chattering begins to sound like an obscure dialect of Norwegian. Finally you are hauled into your frigid vehicle in which you suddenly regain all consciousness for the time it takes to warm up the car. Once the butt-warmer finally kicks in though, your coma resumes. Delighted, you dream about cheesy, heavenly goodness sliding down your esophagus and padding your thighs for the long winter ahead. What's this??? The car has I dead? Fingers....toes....arm....arm....leg...leg...nope, not dead. What's going on?? Cabby! We seem to have stopped!! *HEY!!! WAKE UP!!! WE'RE HOME YOU IGNORANT FREAK!!!!!* You drag the heavy weight of your tired body into your bed, and fall asleep the moment your head hits the pillow. There, you have  strange dreams of being a famous singer, and not being able to pee. Your mom wakes you up, and you suddenly realize your bladder problem is due to the fact that you are full of all the chocolate milk you drank last night, and it is morning. You run to the bathroom and realize your lips are still blue from the suckers which you only vaguely remember eating at the cash register. 

I love a good story. Moving on to more important matters, MY DADDY COMES HOME TODAY!!!!!!!@@#$%^%&*^&^%$%$@#$!@#$@#$^&#$^@#$!@$!@#@#$&*&()*&()@#$~! And I am so excited I may pee myself. Actually, our dog, Sandy, will probably take care of all the peeing when my dad returns...I just hope it's not like that scene from the Odyssey where Odysseus returns home, his dog runs to him because he recognizes him, but he got so excited, his heart gave out....and he died. Was that really a necessary point in the story????? It's already a sad EPIC POEM, but did he really have to make the dog die?? *pff* what a weirdo. Speaking of weirdos, have any of you ever heard the song "Still a Weirdo" by KT Tunstall? I think it's by her...I may be mistaken. Alright, you are probably tired of reading my ridiculous entry, so I bid you all adu.  

With love, and cheeseburgers,
Hetena Thelise

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

JJ Heller - When I'm With You - Control - [Lyrics]

Cabin Fever

Hey there Frosty.
We're on our second day of school off because of snow, and I think I'm getting cabin fever. I caught myself wandering aimlessly around the house about 5x today...and it's only 1:30pm. 

Last night I made henna!! I messed up the first I had to use all of Emily's powder (I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!), but it works great, and I'll give her most of what I made anyways. Most of you probably haven't made your own henna, and when I say it works great, I don't mean it looks like super dark brown. The stuff you get done in like Florida is dark brown because it has lots of chemicals in it. Real henna, lemon, tea tree oil, and black tea, turns out to be like a pale orange. So, by my expectations, the burnt orange it turned out being, is a success. I'm sure you could make it darker, but it would take a lot more really pigmented stuff, and probably would smell even worse than it already does. Once all is said and done, it basically just smells like the tea tree oil. Which is a nice smell in moderation, but a teaspoon of it (which made our whole upstairs smell) is REALLY STRONG. Allllright, well I really should get back to my homework. I hope everyone has had a great few days off, and if we get a 3rd day off, I PROMISE ON MY LIFE I will make all 6 of the people following me, cake. 

With a nauseating, bored sigh-Yours truly,
Helena Elise