Friday, February 18, 2011

Chicken Alfredo with Mozerella Cheese.

So, since my dad will be deployed soon, he was at training for a few weeks, and he returned with about 7 MRE's (Meal ready to eat) for us to eat/goof around with (you can make a soda bottle blow up with the heater!!!). Today I decided to eat one to see just what our soldiers on the go are eating.

The chicken alfredo thing was actually really good!! I mean...really good I had "Cornbread Stuffing"...sort of. I took one bite, and spit it out. It was seriously like eating cat puke. Next I ate "Whole Wheat Bread Snack" with the spread on cheese...I guess it would be good if you were really hungry, but spread on cheese is nasty no matter where you get it. Gross. But the bread was alright I guess.Then I ate a few bites of the "Caramel Apple Ranger Bar", which was actually better than eating a Cliff bar or something. It was yummy. Then, I had a "Vanilla Frapuccino Coffee Drink", which I'm sure was probably passable, but I added too much water, so it was yucky. Next, in the separate little package that comes inside, you get:
-a packet of reses pieces
-a moist towelette
-spiced apple cider (an instant apple flavor drink mix)
-a miniature packet of tissues
-barbecue seasoning (???????)
-iodized salt
-two pieces of mint gum (chicklet sized)

Overall, I guess if you are in a situation where you need a MRE, it is reasonably good. Plus, I would have eaten everything if I was in a soldier's position.

You know...I don't think anyone reads my blog anymore....I will advertize via facebook!!!

You are loved and treasured.


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