Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cabin Fever

Hey there Frosty.
We're on our second day of school off because of snow, and I think I'm getting cabin fever. I caught myself wandering aimlessly around the house about 5x today...and it's only 1:30pm. 

Last night I made henna!! I messed up the first I had to use all of Emily's powder (I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!), but it works great, and I'll give her most of what I made anyways. Most of you probably haven't made your own henna, and when I say it works great, I don't mean it looks like super dark brown. The stuff you get done in like Florida is dark brown because it has lots of chemicals in it. Real henna, lemon, tea tree oil, and black tea, turns out to be like a pale orange. So, by my expectations, the burnt orange it turned out being, is a success. I'm sure you could make it darker, but it would take a lot more really pigmented stuff, and probably would smell even worse than it already does. Once all is said and done, it basically just smells like the tea tree oil. Which is a nice smell in moderation, but a teaspoon of it (which made our whole upstairs smell) is REALLY STRONG. Allllright, well I really should get back to my homework. I hope everyone has had a great few days off, and if we get a 3rd day off, I PROMISE ON MY LIFE I will make all 6 of the people following me, cake. 

With a nauseating, bored sigh-Yours truly,
Helena Elise

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