Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lena Lightyear

Good afternoon everybody! I am so sorry I didn't post yesterday, it was a day to be with my family. I'll admit, that yesterday was a really emotional day for me. I broke down at school, because in all honesty, I just wanted a hug from my daddy (he is in New Jersey for training to go to Afghanistan in March.) But the good news is, not counting the rest of today, he comes back in 7 days!!!! :D In the morning, yesterday, I knew something was wrong, but the thing about me is that when something is wrong, I know it, but I don't know what it is most of the time. SO anyways, I knew something was wrong, couldn't put my finger on it. Until, right after 2nd, my friend Zach asked me what was wrong, if I missed my dad, and he nailed it. It's not his fault, actually I'm grateful, I may have never figured it out!!! It was good to cry about it. There is something very cleansing about crying really hard. 

Okay, so now moving on to today. Today was delightful. Yes, I do still miss my dad, but it's not this huge tidal wave of emotions and I felt good. All my classes went smoothly, I don't have any homework, and tonight I'm going to see my friend Jordan's basketball game. There is only one downside to my fabulous ex, kkkkkettle, yeah, we'll call him Kettle (just out of decency) will be there. Now, I will not talk to him, or approach him (I'm not allowed, it's a long story) but the thing about Kettle is that 1/2 of the talking we ever did was looks and body language. Hopefully (this really is hoping) he may not see me, and I can carry on normally, buuuuuut, chances are he'll see me ----> only because I'm distantly related to Goliath at a whopping six foot and I'm kinda hard to miss, and he'll stare intently at the pimple on my forehead. Heehee, I'm sorry if that grosses you out, but I think making jokes about acne makes it better. Honestly, making any joke about yourself, and laughing at yourself once in awhile, is good. Also I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH!!!! Haha, I'm just kiddin. That song is so catchy. 

Anyways, with my luck, something ridiculously awesome will happen. Like, his hair follicles will spontaneously combust, and he will be floored with searing pain radiating through his skull. Hahaha, just fooling. I honestly don't wish any harm on him, he's a nice enough guy, I just hope he keeps his distance.

Now for something completely different!!!! For as long as I can remember, Dr. Pepper has been my favorite soda (in fact I am enjoying a cold taste of this carbonated magic right now), but recently (in the last 5 months or so) I have taken a particular liking to Pepsi. Any Pepsi fans out there? *CROWD ROARS!* DEAR SWEET SAINT MARIA!!!! I'M SURROUNDED!!!!!!!!! *Calling Star Command, come in Star Command!* *Hello, this is Star Command, what is your situation Lena Lightyear?* *pffftzzzzzztzssdsddxcccczzz* *okay.* 

WOAH! SoRrY about that you guys, my camel sat on the remote. Stupid Leroy. As I was saying, I look spectacular in tangerine. If you have gotten this far in my post, chances are you are one of my close friends and I thank you dearly for reading and putting up with my nonsense. If not, I love you and I thank you too for reading this. Stay tuned, and let me know what you think, I love criticism (seriously, I want people to like my blog, so if you have any tips, lemme know.) Aight. That will be all for now Brusefallous, good mid-day. 

With much citric acid and love,

1 comment:

  1. Okay I love the randomness of this! It totally made my evening :) (This is Charity by the way)
