Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ramblings-on and

Goooooooooood evening campers!!!!!
Today was a very pleasant day, and I have a feeling there is more good stuff to come because Madeline's "very special friend" and I are going birthday shopping for her and he's preeeeetty chill (just about as chill as cantalope. that's some serious chillage). As I sit here eating my dinner (a plate full of kashi salad, which, if you haven't tried, you should because it's really good and it's healthy) I can't help but wonder just how everyone else (outside of my possy) is? I hope everyone had somewhat of a good day. Last night was also most wonderful. :) I talked to my dear friend Jordan for the first time in awhile, and for whatever reason, it just made me oh so terribly happy. Alright, I think I'll continue this post later tonight. For now, this is all I have to say. STAY TUNED FOR OUR NEST EPISODE OF ELECTRIC SHADES OF SUNSHINE!!!!!!! *Will Kathy marry Petey, or is Jeremy the one for Susan???????????????* FIND OUT THIS EVENING!! 
With Much Love,

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