Monday, December 5, 2011

A few chords

So I sit.
Sometimes life is a close relative of Satan's kingdom. While my heart tears and convulses with the pangs of pain I hold for my hurting family members, I oddly feel closest to God at these moments. Whether my reaction to press into him is a response of a faithful disciple or a doubtful and vulnerable human being, I do not know. I suspect a bit of both, more so the human any rate, I am grateful for it.
My heart cries for the widows and orphans and the homeless and fatherless and those without a family. I'm not sure where I'm going with this, so instead of wasting time, I'll cut this short- it's time to live for Isaiah 58:10 "and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday."
 That's all
Love and blessings,
Helena Elise

A few chords

So I sit.
Sometimes life is a close relative of Satan's kingdom. While my heart tears and convulses with the pangs of pain I hold for my hurting family members, I oddly feel closest to God at these moments. Whether my reaction to press into him is a response of a faithful disciple or a doubtful and vulnerable human being, I do not know. I suspect a bit of both, more so the human any rate, I am grateful for it.
My heart cries for the widows and orphans and the homeless and fatherless and those without a family. I'm not sure where I'm going with this, so instead of wasting time, I'll cut this short- it's time to live for Isaiah 58:10

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Oceans of Justice

So, I've come to realize junior year isn't nearly as difficult as everyone promised. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying it's been weird. Also, it's not like I haven't been busy, I'm just not as shocked as I thought I would be.
Anyways, hello fellow bloggers, it's been awhile since I last posted. Life has been crazy!! I hope everyone is well.
A girl said to my youth group this week that she was looking out over us worshiping last week, and we weren't alive. Got me thinking about apathy and stuff. So, read Amos. It talks about all that kind of stuff. Amos 5:21-24 in the message says, "I can't stand your religious meetings. 
   I'm fed up with your conferences and conventions.
I want nothing to do with your religion projects, 
   your pretentious slogans and goals.
I'm sick of your fund-raising schemes, 
   your public relations and image making.
I've had all I can take of your noisy ego-music. 
   When was the last time you sang to me?
Do you know what I want? 
   I want justice—oceans of it.
I want fairness—rivers of it. 
   That's what I want. That's all I want."

Wow, talk about convicting. Justice - oceans of it. Let's fight for it. 
Let's start singing to Him again, I agree that we've lost the passion. We're not ALIVE. 
So, live and sing and be alive in our heart when you sing.
Keep Going,
Helena Elise

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Every single day, I see someone I would enjoy taking a long walk with, holding hands with, or stealing a kiss from. Deciding not to date...even for one year of highschool, is going to be one of the most difficult challenges I have taken up. While last year I only really began a relationship in the last few months of school, it was a relationship nonetheless. But my God is worth every day of this. I'm going to need prayer, for any of you that continue to read my blog. I mean, every girls likes to be flattered and doted on. My problem is that I have found myself loving those compliments more than what the God of the universe says about me. The point is not to make a statement about the ludicracy of highschool relationships, but to find myself in God. It's to regocnize that my identity comes from my creator. Not from an adolescent boy. I want to wait. I want to have something special for my future husband.
So it goes...
(but really for God)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Please prove yourself wrong

My house is shaking with the rolls of thunder. As we tell travis- the angels ae bowling. Life is so precious, but shouldn't eternity be even more so? Why are we more focused on saving the life, than saving the eternity? Food for thought.
I think that's all I have for today.
With mustard seeds and grape juice,
Helena elise

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How I know I'm alive

This morning was my idea of a perfect sky.
The clouds covered the sky in grey, but it's not the ominous grey which foretells of rain, it's the calm grey that says, "just sleep". Then the wind blows some of the clouds away and you can see that Colorado blue sky peeking through. And it is quiet, with the distant roar of civilization buzzing in the background, but the most prominent sound is that of the doves and the crows and the stellar jays cooing to the rising sun. The humming birds sit and take long drinks because everything is still, and the morning dew is like a blanket of safety for their delicate existence. Every animal sits with quiet reverence looking towards this morning masterpiece in awe. They know their maker. The morning was like something from my imagination. It was what I suppose Neverland or heaven is like. It only gets better. The clouds have cleared, the the sun warms the earth. The flowers greet God with beautiful delicacy and wonder; the trees straighten their spines and stand in their proper place, as guardians of the forest. The earth is alive with God's majesty, and I get to witness it.

I so often forget how incredible life is. I don't need anything to be added or taken away from it for it to be anything short of inspiring and every bit as lovely as God intended. Life is amazing. I am so blessed to be able to breathe in God's majesty. How much more amazing will it be to stand in His presence one day. 

Those are my thoughts today. Enjoy life. Breathe in deep. Laugh and don't forget who we live for.


Monday, July 25, 2011


God closes doors for a reason, it's people like me that are stupid enough to open them again.
What we horrendous, heartbreaking, and it all becomes clear why the door was closed. The door was closed to protect us from what would crush us. But, I guess, being crushed isn't all that bad. I can cling to HIM even more. In my weakness, he is strong. You are all I need. All I've ever needed.
I give you my heart....for the thousandth time, I pray that you would take my life....stop letting me be so stupid. Oh my heavy heart, he is near to you. 
What is the love of one person if the God of the universe loved me ever before time began? 
Thank you God for loving me. You are my all.

P.s. In the end, everything will be ok, if it's not ok, it's not the end. -Unknown

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I like taquitos

Tell me, why is it that, it's incredibly easy to give in to sin, when we know the guilt, shame, discontent, and hurt that will come with it? And still, it's so hard to accept love that comes with just that. LOVE. Mercy, compassion, grace, and the best part is that it's never-ending. It's eternal, and nothing can end it-stop it, or lessen it.

I'm having such a hard time accepting that God loves me. He could wipe me off of eternity in a span of his finger, and no one would notice, I wouldn't even notice, because I would be gone!! But he doesn't?

I've asked this so often...and I asked, well, God, what if you just created a Helena who is more obedient than me, and it was one of those moments when God kind of chuckles at us. He told me that, a more obedient Helena, isn't Helena. fingers feel like lead...
sorry...that's random.
Bahahaha, I'M NOT SORRY!!! Why would I ever be sorry for being random?
Psh, silly.

So, my friend Lydia,
God could not have been more exact on the placement of her in my life. Haha, why would he be off....haha, he's God.

Anyways, that's all I have to say. Off to the gym!!

With love, and a bucket of Kosher pickles,
Helena Elise

Monday, June 20, 2011

An infant, constructing a city.

Okay, God, you have my attention.
I get it.
This isn't your plan.
I asked for a sign, a obvious, but gentle sign.
Well, obvious...gentle-not exactly.
Please don't let me go, I need your strength now, more than ever.
I love you.

I can't decide how I feel about it...those moments when God shows up, and shakes our lives. The ones we have built, and tweaked to our satisfaction. God steps in and says, "That's not how I planned it." But I know he's right, and true, and faithful, and good....and this time, I'll listen.

Helena Elise

Friday, June 3, 2011

Life and Peace

Well, it seems like it's been a lifetime since I've been on here...pouring out my thoughts onto a digital journal which no one ever reads....nevertheless, I have some things I want to say.
Today I've been thinking about death.
Maybe it's from the 4 hours of sleep I got, or simply that it's such a hard concept to grasp, but thinking about death brings tears to my eyes. My sister, Sara, just recently lost a friend, and as I watch her mourn her loss, and accept what has happened, I often stop to think about how I would handle the death of someone so near to me.
I hope that I would be like Job, from the bible, and after everything he had was taken away, his children died, and his wife left him, that I would praise God's name. The terrifying truth though, is that I have a feeling I would scream and run away from God. I know his plan is...incomprehensible, and much more detailed than we acknowledge, but if I lost my mom, or my dad, or one of my closest friends, I can't shake the feeling that I would shake my fist at God, and walk away.
It's possible that the terror I feel at the thought of losing someone, is all coming from the beast...the one out for my soul...satan. As I ponder this, I realize that it really is. The devil rejoices in my doubt, and he laughs when I feel weak, and so, in what little competitive nature I have, I am compelled to prove him wrong.
Look now satan, I am stronger than you will ever be, and even if my God calls one of my brothers or sisters home early, I will still praise his name.
The next thing I have to talk about, which relates in a round-about way, is peace. A quote from one of my favorite movies first, Bella, "I used to worry. Then I found out that 10 out of 10 people....die."
I worry. I stress. I have issues with being anxious and high strung. Most of all, this year, I worry about my dad. He's deployed, and every moment I pray for a hedge of protection around him...I don't know what my family would do without him. I have so many friends reassuring me that he will be safe, and God is protecting him, but the comfort that has stood out the most, are the words of wisdom from my dearest friend Lydia.

Lydia \l(y)-dia\ as a girl's name is pronounced LED-ee-ah. Biblical: a Christian woman called a "seller of purple" and described as a woman of business, probably affluent.

Purple is a royal color, right? Well, in the literal sense, this meaning makes no sense. In a symbolic sense, this name fits her to the t. Almost everything that comes from her mouth, is purple. They are the royal words of my Jesus. Once, I was having a rough day because I missed my dad. When I got home, I was texting Lydia, and she relayed this verse to me from Psalms, "Be at peace once more, oh my soul, for the LORD has been good to you." I doubt that could have been any more perfect. Now, when I worry, I remind myself that, yes, the LORD HAS been good to me. How should I forget it? amazing. Godly and uplifting and funny and smart and an amazing writer, my life will forever be changed with her in it.
Alright, well that's all I have for now. 
Have a blessed day!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Chicken Alfredo with Mozerella Cheese.

So, since my dad will be deployed soon, he was at training for a few weeks, and he returned with about 7 MRE's (Meal ready to eat) for us to eat/goof around with (you can make a soda bottle blow up with the heater!!!). Today I decided to eat one to see just what our soldiers on the go are eating.

The chicken alfredo thing was actually really good!! I mean...really good I had "Cornbread Stuffing"...sort of. I took one bite, and spit it out. It was seriously like eating cat puke. Next I ate "Whole Wheat Bread Snack" with the spread on cheese...I guess it would be good if you were really hungry, but spread on cheese is nasty no matter where you get it. Gross. But the bread was alright I guess.Then I ate a few bites of the "Caramel Apple Ranger Bar", which was actually better than eating a Cliff bar or something. It was yummy. Then, I had a "Vanilla Frapuccino Coffee Drink", which I'm sure was probably passable, but I added too much water, so it was yucky. Next, in the separate little package that comes inside, you get:
-a packet of reses pieces
-a moist towelette
-spiced apple cider (an instant apple flavor drink mix)
-a miniature packet of tissues
-barbecue seasoning (???????)
-iodized salt
-two pieces of mint gum (chicklet sized)

Overall, I guess if you are in a situation where you need a MRE, it is reasonably good. Plus, I would have eaten everything if I was in a soldier's position.

You know...I don't think anyone reads my blog anymore....I will advertize via facebook!!!

You are loved and treasured.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011



Friday, February 11, 2011

I less than three you.

Dear Readers,
I am soooooo so terribly sorry I have not posted at all this week, but SO much has been going on. Well, not really. I just was lazy. :) But I have a lot to write about!

So, my daddy came home on Saturday, and we celebrated by going to one of those Hibachi grills. I love those places. :))) Then, so my sister-but-not-really, Sara, and her boy Travis, might be moving in with us! I'm so excited! It'll be a little cramped, but not too bad. Also, I went to a basketball game at CSBD (The Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind) and I have two new deaf friends!!! Oh, and PLEASE, if you were going to ask if there were any blind people on the team, smack yourself because there is an obvious answer waiting at the door for you. (NOOOOO!!!!) However, there are blind wrestlers, who I've heard are very good. The school is in the 1A division, so they are verrrrry small. Their graduating class is like 22...or something like that. :) My two new friends and Alison, and Chelsea, and they are really great basketball players. One of the most interesting aspects of the game was the deaf cheerleaders, because in the hearing world, cheer leading is all about being AS LOUD AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE!!!!! but for them, they were cheering in sign language, and clapping. :) It was cool. I think I'll write more later because I realllllly wanna paint my nails. What color? Hmmmmmm, I'm thinking purple. Happy Friday sailors.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Piano Man Lyrics

Piano Man Lyrics

I'm sorry if any of you are offended by drinking references, but this one is a classic. Special thanks to my dad for showing me good music my whole life.

Chuck Norris Burger

So I'm probably just one of the weirdest people you know. :) But I'm okay with that. 

Have you ever had that moment when sitting next to the person you like and thinking,
"Crap, what do I say?!? Oh my goodness, he is just so good looking....ahhh, what a sweetheart...DANGIT!!! WHAT IF HE CAN READ MY THOUGHTS!!!?! Well, in that case, Hey there!!!! ^_^" 
Muuurp, I'm guessing I'm probably one of the only people that has done that. Has anyone ever watched in-line roller hockey? Well, it's really pretty boring. Unless, of course you go with the TCA seniors of 2011. Then, it's one of the most exciting things you've done all week!! Then it gets really funny when people start yelling things that sound like they could be cheers or taunts, but when you really think about them, you have that moment of "whaaaaat the cheese nips.....??????" 

Even more exciting is the after party at Village Inn. The one where you make fun of the waiter who looks like he is on the predators list for your neighborhood with his curly mustache and long hair slicked back over his balding head, oh and don't forget the mole on his face, and the fact that he's just a bit over-weight. Then you order your food from a 17 year old girl who looks like she just got out of drug-rehab, and you begin your childish spit-ball wars. The food, after a 45 minute game of solid yelling, is absolutely delicious. You stuff your face with the greasy goodness of a double, superman, all star, quadruple-pounder, Chuck Norris, cheeseburger until your double chin has a chin. Then, you contemplate all the meaningless things in life, and discuss the idea of everyone dating someone within the senior class. One of the paper wrappers from a straw gets stuck on the lamp...PHOTO OPP!!!!!!!!! By this time, you have slipped about half way into the expected food coma, and your friend's chattering begins to sound like an obscure dialect of Norwegian. Finally you are hauled into your frigid vehicle in which you suddenly regain all consciousness for the time it takes to warm up the car. Once the butt-warmer finally kicks in though, your coma resumes. Delighted, you dream about cheesy, heavenly goodness sliding down your esophagus and padding your thighs for the long winter ahead. What's this??? The car has I dead? Fingers....toes....arm....arm....leg...leg...nope, not dead. What's going on?? Cabby! We seem to have stopped!! *HEY!!! WAKE UP!!! WE'RE HOME YOU IGNORANT FREAK!!!!!* You drag the heavy weight of your tired body into your bed, and fall asleep the moment your head hits the pillow. There, you have  strange dreams of being a famous singer, and not being able to pee. Your mom wakes you up, and you suddenly realize your bladder problem is due to the fact that you are full of all the chocolate milk you drank last night, and it is morning. You run to the bathroom and realize your lips are still blue from the suckers which you only vaguely remember eating at the cash register. 

I love a good story. Moving on to more important matters, MY DADDY COMES HOME TODAY!!!!!!!@@#$%^%&*^&^%$%$@#$!@#$@#$^&#$^@#$!@$!@#@#$&*&()*&()@#$~! And I am so excited I may pee myself. Actually, our dog, Sandy, will probably take care of all the peeing when my dad returns...I just hope it's not like that scene from the Odyssey where Odysseus returns home, his dog runs to him because he recognizes him, but he got so excited, his heart gave out....and he died. Was that really a necessary point in the story????? It's already a sad EPIC POEM, but did he really have to make the dog die?? *pff* what a weirdo. Speaking of weirdos, have any of you ever heard the song "Still a Weirdo" by KT Tunstall? I think it's by her...I may be mistaken. Alright, you are probably tired of reading my ridiculous entry, so I bid you all adu.  

With love, and cheeseburgers,
Hetena Thelise

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

JJ Heller - When I'm With You - Control - [Lyrics]

Cabin Fever

Hey there Frosty.
We're on our second day of school off because of snow, and I think I'm getting cabin fever. I caught myself wandering aimlessly around the house about 5x today...and it's only 1:30pm. 

Last night I made henna!! I messed up the first I had to use all of Emily's powder (I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!), but it works great, and I'll give her most of what I made anyways. Most of you probably haven't made your own henna, and when I say it works great, I don't mean it looks like super dark brown. The stuff you get done in like Florida is dark brown because it has lots of chemicals in it. Real henna, lemon, tea tree oil, and black tea, turns out to be like a pale orange. So, by my expectations, the burnt orange it turned out being, is a success. I'm sure you could make it darker, but it would take a lot more really pigmented stuff, and probably would smell even worse than it already does. Once all is said and done, it basically just smells like the tea tree oil. Which is a nice smell in moderation, but a teaspoon of it (which made our whole upstairs smell) is REALLY STRONG. Allllright, well I really should get back to my homework. I hope everyone has had a great few days off, and if we get a 3rd day off, I PROMISE ON MY LIFE I will make all 6 of the people following me, cake. 

With a nauseating, bored sigh-Yours truly,
Helena Elise

Monday, January 31, 2011

Gabriel sits at God's left-hand. Lucky duck.

Tooooday, was good I guess.
I'm worried about my sister, her heart is hurting right now.
It was really cold outside, and I hope tomorrow is a snow day. One of my teachers (I'm not going to say who because that's mean) makes me so angry!!!! This person just every little tick and how they talk is so obnoxious!! I was ready to stand up in the middle of class and walk out. It was almost unbearable. So, then, once school was over, I was in a very bad mood. Then, my dear friend Tim unzipped my hood and it tipped me over the edge. I fell over in a fit of rage screaming, "I AM THROWING A FIT!!!!!!!!!" and then I shrieked like a four year-old and kicked and smacked the wall. It was very satisfying. Normally when I get frustrated, I cry, but today I just wanted to punch someone. So, I punched the wall. Which, I had never done before. That was also satisfying. Only problem is that now I have burns on my knuckles. Won't be doing that again. : \ Anyways, all who read this, please be praying for my family (we're just fighting some tough stuff right now) and praying that I would be able to be a strong warrior for God. So, (if appropriate of course) when you are in a bad mood, make some room on the floor, and throw a fit. Don't drag it out, but kicking and screaming and throwing yourself around for about two minutes is nice sometimes. You are all loved dearly.

Helena Th-elise

Lay your sorrows on the ground

Alright, so I'll start with Friday evening. That night I met a new guy Triston Tully, who, is so dedicated to God it's evident upon looking at him. I mean, I walked up and put out my hand for a handshake when, before I could say "my name is Helena", I was enveloped in a hug as this 6'4" teddy bear said, "oh, there are no handshakes here!!". The coolest part about this guy is that, even though I'm sure he could have any girl he wanted, he never wants to get married so he can live his life fully dedicated to God. I really admire that. :) And, I have new friend, who I met the week before, and her lovely name- Kailey. I just love that way of spelling Kailey. Lets count the ways we could spell it!!! Kailey, Kailee, Kaylee, Kayleigh, Kalee, Kaleigh...I'm sure there are many more.

Anyways, this What an incredible story she has, and so much wisdom!! One of the things that she said that really really hit me, and I hope it does you too, is that, it's not our job to look for our husband. She explained it like this: We are always running around dating people going, 'is this my husband?? what about him??? is it him??' when, really, God has the right person picked out, and when he wants to bring him into our life, he will. And, we may push that right guy away time and time again, but if it's the right person, God will keep bringing them back to us.

And besides being wise and beautiful, she is just one of the easiest people to like you have ever met. What a joy. Then (according to Triston, and since him and Kailey live so close to me) we are gonna go door to door and pray for people. :) If anyone wants to come with, lemme know!!

Now, besides the miracle of having these two new people in my life, God had a lot more planned for the weekend. As the first night of worship wore on, I felt I needed to pray/journal. So, I did just that. I prayed that God would fill me with his spirit and that I wouldn't be of myself any longer, that I wouldn't be me anymore...I would be of him. Alright, now this is where it gets intense and awesome. I didn't even think about how that spot in me for the Kettle was still hurting, and when I was worshiping the next was gone. Just gone. When I think about him, or think about how nice it was to be with doesn't even strike a chord in me. God is so good.

The other thing (and there are so many more things that happened, I just don't feel like writing about them.) is that God told me I'm gonna be a warrior for him. Sara (my adopted-but-not-really-sister) told me I already am, but I guess feeling that I'm going to be a warrior, to me, I thought this meant that I was going to fight for my brothers and sisters in Christ. I don't know yet.

Alright, well, then the weekend came to a close and it was lovely and amazing and I am forever changed. I will never go back to the way I was before. I am devoted to living and being a reflection of Jesus Christ.

I'm going to make a different post for today's news.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

A song not dedicated to your face

Soooo, the Kettle was at the basketball game. It's okay...I was totally calm. Bahaha, yeah right, I was a total baby about it. I mean, I haven't talked to him 7 months? I don't want to be with him again...I just get so shaken up when I see him. Any explanations? Blech. His hair looks really good short, for any of you who know who he is. But, that is all besides the point, LP won!! And Jordan Scott is a stud. :) He scored like...a bunch of points. :D Alright, I'm going to go and listen to relaxing music. Xoxoxox.

With much love,

p.s. anyone know any remedies for getting rid of ex-induced blues?

JJ Heller - What love really means - Lyrics

Lena Lightyear

Good afternoon everybody! I am so sorry I didn't post yesterday, it was a day to be with my family. I'll admit, that yesterday was a really emotional day for me. I broke down at school, because in all honesty, I just wanted a hug from my daddy (he is in New Jersey for training to go to Afghanistan in March.) But the good news is, not counting the rest of today, he comes back in 7 days!!!! :D In the morning, yesterday, I knew something was wrong, but the thing about me is that when something is wrong, I know it, but I don't know what it is most of the time. SO anyways, I knew something was wrong, couldn't put my finger on it. Until, right after 2nd, my friend Zach asked me what was wrong, if I missed my dad, and he nailed it. It's not his fault, actually I'm grateful, I may have never figured it out!!! It was good to cry about it. There is something very cleansing about crying really hard. 

Okay, so now moving on to today. Today was delightful. Yes, I do still miss my dad, but it's not this huge tidal wave of emotions and I felt good. All my classes went smoothly, I don't have any homework, and tonight I'm going to see my friend Jordan's basketball game. There is only one downside to my fabulous ex, kkkkkettle, yeah, we'll call him Kettle (just out of decency) will be there. Now, I will not talk to him, or approach him (I'm not allowed, it's a long story) but the thing about Kettle is that 1/2 of the talking we ever did was looks and body language. Hopefully (this really is hoping) he may not see me, and I can carry on normally, buuuuuut, chances are he'll see me ----> only because I'm distantly related to Goliath at a whopping six foot and I'm kinda hard to miss, and he'll stare intently at the pimple on my forehead. Heehee, I'm sorry if that grosses you out, but I think making jokes about acne makes it better. Honestly, making any joke about yourself, and laughing at yourself once in awhile, is good. Also I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH!!!! Haha, I'm just kiddin. That song is so catchy. 

Anyways, with my luck, something ridiculously awesome will happen. Like, his hair follicles will spontaneously combust, and he will be floored with searing pain radiating through his skull. Hahaha, just fooling. I honestly don't wish any harm on him, he's a nice enough guy, I just hope he keeps his distance.

Now for something completely different!!!! For as long as I can remember, Dr. Pepper has been my favorite soda (in fact I am enjoying a cold taste of this carbonated magic right now), but recently (in the last 5 months or so) I have taken a particular liking to Pepsi. Any Pepsi fans out there? *CROWD ROARS!* DEAR SWEET SAINT MARIA!!!! I'M SURROUNDED!!!!!!!!! *Calling Star Command, come in Star Command!* *Hello, this is Star Command, what is your situation Lena Lightyear?* *pffftzzzzzztzssdsddxcccczzz* *okay.* 

WOAH! SoRrY about that you guys, my camel sat on the remote. Stupid Leroy. As I was saying, I look spectacular in tangerine. If you have gotten this far in my post, chances are you are one of my close friends and I thank you dearly for reading and putting up with my nonsense. If not, I love you and I thank you too for reading this. Stay tuned, and let me know what you think, I love criticism (seriously, I want people to like my blog, so if you have any tips, lemme know.) Aight. That will be all for now Brusefallous, good mid-day. 

With much citric acid and love,

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Hello scouts, back from my adventure with Caleb, which was fabulous. We tried to find a good perfume for Madeline, with not much success, and I'm sure a bit of brain damage, but nevertheless, it was fun. Wow, I, use, a, lot, of, commas. Today was such a nice day. Shout out to Joshua Enger for being hilarious. :) You make my spleen smile, guy. K, well I still have homework to sludge my way through, and I shall write more tomorrow, till then, LIVE LONG AND PROSPER YOUNG PADEWON (or however you spell that, I'm really sorry to all you Star Wars people if I spelled it wrong). And remember kids, always eat honey nut cheerios before bedtime because they will drive away lions on the prowl. If any of you object, please say so now, or forever hold your peas. (^_^) <---a pea.
With lots o love and fairy dust,

Ramblings-on and

Goooooooooood evening campers!!!!!
Today was a very pleasant day, and I have a feeling there is more good stuff to come because Madeline's "very special friend" and I are going birthday shopping for her and he's preeeeetty chill (just about as chill as cantalope. that's some serious chillage). As I sit here eating my dinner (a plate full of kashi salad, which, if you haven't tried, you should because it's really good and it's healthy) I can't help but wonder just how everyone else (outside of my possy) is? I hope everyone had somewhat of a good day. Last night was also most wonderful. :) I talked to my dear friend Jordan for the first time in awhile, and for whatever reason, it just made me oh so terribly happy. Alright, I think I'll continue this post later tonight. For now, this is all I have to say. STAY TUNED FOR OUR NEST EPISODE OF ELECTRIC SHADES OF SUNSHINE!!!!!!! *Will Kathy marry Petey, or is Jeremy the one for Susan???????????????* FIND OUT THIS EVENING!! 
With Much Love,

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Beginning of Something Sweet?

Beginning this blog, I guess my motivation is to share my thoughts with a wider audience, and even if no one reads it, I have felt compelled for quite some time now to write down the things I think and feel throughout the day. I'm pretty sure that was a run-on sentence. 

Today I woke up, hopped out of bed, and the day began. I guess my initial reaction to the beginning of a Monday, or any other day of the week for that matter, is that I'm ready for what life throws at me, is it a snow day, and how much foundation I'm going to need to cover up adolescence in all it's glory. As I got to school, I put on my "apathetic dramatic depressed teenager" face, as I do every morning, until I got to school, and realized I am none of those things. :P School was great today, English with Mr. Thomasson was hilarious (EGG VAN! EGG VAN!) , I understood Chemistry (which I'm sure for most average students taking Chem, is once in a blue moon), Latin was average, schedule isn't the important part. My day was really great because my life has just started a new chapter, and recently, just about all my close friends have turned their eyes to my great big father in the clouds, and things have been better. I know this entry is kinda short, but my ADHD medicine (yes, I'm ADHD, just like every other kid in america) has worn off and I AM ONE HUNGRY HUNGRY HIPPO!!! and I can't concentrate. :) So, I hope that everyone who reads this maybe laughs a little, and you'll continue to read my upcoming entries. I wish you all a fabulous Tuesday and a Merry Christmas (what???? It's January 24th you duct tape!!!!!).
P.S. Every day is a different color for me, so the color of the writing is definitely significant.